A sad moment - my last video post! First a great big thank you to Kyle Cavanaugh for a fantastic lecture on freezing disturbance in mangroves. The video is on the member's page for anyone who missed it and everyone who wants to watch again.
There is no class next week, so I can't direct you to the reading in the google drive but I can ask you really nicely if you will PLEASE complete this survey. It's only 7 questions and it's anonymous. But your feedback will really help us to demonstrate the value of this kind of class so that we can get funding to do it again and improve the experience when we do.
Lastly, a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us, whether every week or just once and to all our speakers. And I am also going to thank Steve for spearheading the organization. What are we all going to do on Tuesday afternoons now...

Steve in 2011... probably in SC but maybe in GA... This is actually him telling me no photos but we can pretend he is waving good bye....