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  • zoeh63

Coming soon...

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

We are counting down to September 5th when the class will start!

Photo credit: Duncan FitzGerald, 2018.

We welcome anyone wanting to join us for the entire series or just dipping in for a relevant lecture, as well as the students who are taking the class for credit, including:

- Boston University, Hughes, GRS EE 941, 942 (1 credit hour). EE542 (Hughes/Novak), EE544 (FitzGerald/Hughes)

- University of Georgia, Alber, MARS 8990 (2 credit hours)

- University of Houston, Pennings, BIOL 6397 (3 credit hours)

- Florida International University, Kominoski, BSC6926

- Georgia Southern University, Risa Cohen, BIOL 7610 02F.

But to access the Zoom links and recordings you will need to register as a member of this blog community.

Class will begin on the 5th with a run-through of some housekeeping before we get a background in coastal wetland disturbance from Profs Merryl Alber and John Kominoski, but if you have any questions beforehand feel free to reach out to Steve or Zoe.

Each speaker will be recommending a paper or two to supplement their talk, providing either general background or a deeper dive. Primarily, these are for the classes being framed around the lectures but they will be useful and of interest to anyone joining each week. These are available (for educational purposes only) at the following link:

Please let us know if you are using the lecture series as part of your class and we haven't included you in the above list.

We will blog another reminder next week. Excited to see everyone there!

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